Virginio Nastri was set up decades ago and was one of the first European companies to specialise in the development and design of conveyor systems and then modular chain systems, table top chains and gravity or motorized roller units.
Together with Virginio Shini and Virginio Tecnos, Virginio Nastri is part of the mechanical division of the Virginio Family. It has always featured constant innovation and a wide range of products.
More recently, in addition to our continuous commitment in developing our products, we have decided to focus our attention on internal handling as a whole and post processing automation, thereby offering complete and integrated systems on the market thus enabling us to establish ourselves as a partner fully involved in the optimization of production and process effectiveness.
Our portfolio covers a wide range of products including PVC or PU belts or, following customer requests, iron varnished modular structures. These patented systems together with specific constructions built upon request of modular chains, table top chains and gravity or motorized rolling units make Virginio Nastri a leading company in the world capable of offering an extremely wide range of cutting edge solutions.
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